Week 6, Post 2
Feeling unlucky with the ladies? Well, apparently VO5 hair products can change that. By applying one simple application, it can boost your confidence, your self-esteem up, and your hair!
However, it is not guaranteed that you would be as fortunate as the guy in the picture. Advertisements contains claims that are relevant to the audience they are targeting with an open ended conclusion that allows the audience to see the end result as they please. The two page advertisement contains blatantly sexual messages that may sell the products.
When evaluating the advertisement, there can only be three possible choices to either believe the claim or not to believe it.
1. Accept the claim as true.
2. Reject the claim as false.
3. Suspend judgment.
Most of the time, we use our own judgments and our own personal experiences to decide. Perhaps, a trusty friend or someone of higher authority is convinced the product works. Reliable internet sources may also play a part whether to accept, reject, or suspend the claim.
I agree with you, that product advertisements, such as shampoos leave us with open ended questions. Most importantly as time has passed and changed advertisements have began to use more promiscuity and sexual content in order to persuade people to buy this product. An example of this would be the Axe commercial that I seen on TV today it shows a guy running on the treadmill releasing dirt from his hair because he did not use the Axe shampoo with a lovely lady running next to him. The next thing that is seen after he uses the Axe shampoo is him with a girl toughing all over his hair all sexual. As we can see our media and advertisements have began to incorporate sexual content into our commercials.